Quantum Laser Spectroscopy

quantum light graphic

Michigan has a tradition of excellence and leadership in spectroscopy, or more generally, using light to measure, control, and create quantum states of matter that date back well over fifty years.  Michigan faculty have been pioneers and leaders in coherent nonlinear spectroscopy, both in the frequency domain in the time-domain. The technique of multidimensional coherent spectroscopy provides a bridge between frequency- and time-domain methods. Other nonlinear and quantum optical spectroscopic methods are well established to study spins, magnetism, quantum materials, and single or many-body quantum states.  These spectroscopic methods also enable the creation and control of quantum states of matter using light. Extending these capabilities using entangled light sources allows for improved noise suppression below the standard quantum limit and increased flexibility to create novel quantum states of matter.

ECE Faculty

Alexander Burgers headshot

Alexander Burgers

Parag Deotare headshot

Parag Deotare

Mackillo Kira, headshot

Mackillo Kira

Affiliated Faculty

Steve Cundiff

Steven Cundiff